Our organization is efficient, ready to understand the customer needs and rapid to find the right solution to them.
Nowadays competitiveness, innovation and research are very important but we can’t think about them without considering in the same time creativity, energy, motivation and professional competences working together to attain goals in the most efficient way.
We believe in a team working hard to present the best project, in the constant desire to grow up developing new and ambitious business, interacting with customers to find solutions to their needs,...
the constant research of new products and technologies suitable for the international market offering the “Made in Italy” quality.
We are looking for the best raw materials and we offer the most suitable service in order to face up to a competitive market: these are the elements that make the difference.
The quality of the materials we use and the best price/quality ratio we could offer have managed EMIL JERSEY to a progressive growing both in the number and importance of their customers.